Editing Blog

 Today it was my first day editing. I wasn't editing much because I really didn’t know how to edit. I would mostly given my input. The person who was editing was mostly Jordyn. But I was still there right next to her going through the clips and seeing what we needed. I would answer any questions Jordyn asked me. For example what type of cuts we needed to put in or what type of better transitions look better for our commercial. After all the clips were put together. I would help put in Visual advice to try to convey the mood of our commercial. Trying out different filters to see what type of lighting it could bring in a dry and a hot day.

I would find filters and show them to my teammates to see if they all liked it. If they didn’t I would continue to look and give my opinion on filters they thought looked good until we all decided on one that worked. Then after it was deciding music. Me and my teammates discussed many different genres of Music. We first decided what type of background noise we would have in the beginning of the commercial. All of us agreed on the cicada noise. As they mostly come out during the summer. To make their iconic rattling noise. Then it was time to figure out the main song that we would be using for the video. I looked at many types of genres mostly pop. To give off a very bright and summery feel. I mostly looked at glass animals which was my first choice for music. Then other random artists that reminded me of summer beats. Which is what I mostly did for day one.


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